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That Time

photomontage of a dark hallway curving towards light with a ghostly screaming figure superimposed on the wall


Judas got a bum wrap. He only did what his Rabbi asked him to. He was supposed to be the sun of Jesus but instead he was cast into a shadow. For four thousand years his reputation maligned. His truth erased along with the dinosaurs. Events always play out exactly

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image has been colored so intensely with all hues that it looks abstract

My Vertical Interrogation

I believe I am the figment of a little boy’s imagination. He’s trying to imagine himself in the future. In a different future than the one he expects. I am ten years old imaging I am sixty-three.

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the trees are blue and pink

A Bad Fall, and a Return

(This is part of a series. You can read related posts here.) I had a bad fall. As in the season. My mood generally turns dour around September, but then usually gets better by Thanksgiving. My birthday is in September, but I've never felt that that was a

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green and red collards planted in rows, the sky is blood red

we begin

that was how it started, this is how it started, that death, this death, two points, on an imaginary line, only one point, on a circle, a clock...

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does not look like a flower. it is an abstract image of rusty oranges, silvers, dark browns and blacks

The Custom of Violence

It is not known what his disposition was as an infant but it is assumed that he was born innocent, curious, bright. His parents were mostly absent, the father physically, spending his days looking for work (or at the motorcycle clubhouse being teased like a child by his mates), the

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ghostly bright red columns seen from above that are covered with tiny blue spider webs

A Man in Full

Despite his six foot height and broad shoulders, his clothes hung on him loosely like a child growing into hand-me-downs. He wore a green plaid flannel shirt, faded blue jeans and shiny black boots. Tattoos peeked out from his sleeves and spilled onto the backs of his hands and fingers.

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Here's Lookin' at You, Kid

I don’t have writer’s block. I have writer’s fright. Nothing is permitted. Everything is true. I tell myself that I cannot lie in my writing. Is this what I’m afraid of? Why should it be any less easy to lie to myself than it is to

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The Fause Knight on the Road

This little gem is from from The English and Scottish Popular Ballads ‘O WHARE are ye gaun?’ Quo the fause knicht upon the road. ‘I’m gaun to the scule,’ Quo the wee boy, and still he stude. ‘What is that upon your back?’ Quo the fause knicht upon the

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Judas is Scared A Lot

When Judas heard the crow cock three times, he only did what his Rabbi asked him to. He fulfilled his destiny knowing full well what the cost would be. Condemned forever for an act of loyalty.

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Call Me Benjamin Button

At exactly the halfway point between then and now, time, in concert with the earth's inner core of blazing iron and nickel, reversed its direction and began spinning backward as if seeking its own birth in the fiery magma of amygdala.

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Invocation of Pork & Beans

I call to Carna, also known as crane sacred witch, sworn enemy of screech-owls, vampires, rapists, and cads, protect our bodies from violation, ravishment and desecration.

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