Read Me First

Eric Jennings (he/him)
I’m a writer and visual artist living in Oakland, CA. I write creative non-fiction, poetry, invocations, scripts, and experimental stuff. I also create art and music. Much of my work is from the perspective of a male survivor of childhood abuse and sexual trauma.
This site content is available through two email newsletters. That Time is only for my tales of survival. Kill Your Guru will get you all of that, and everything else, including the experimental stuff.
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That Time: A Children's Book for Adults
For lack of a better name, this is the temporary title for writing related to my recovery from childhood sexual victimization and CPTSD. I claim to be writing a book with this material. Time will tell.
Algo Sabi
Much of my writing is experimental. By a happy coincidence, I am also interested in "Algorithmic Sabotage," which is a burgeoning philosophical and activist movement intending to disrupt data scrapers by poisoning the well, so to speak. The point is to feed LLM and AI bots garbage text in order to pollute their output. Calling my experimental stuff "Algo Sabi" is a nod to the Japanese concept of Wabi Sabi.
I don't consider my experimental writings to be garbage, but they may well appear to be such to anyone looking for written "content" to steal and commoditize. I am writing for humans, not machines, but the machines come anyway.
I also write poetry, invocations, and occasional general blog shit. The categories aren't strict and pieces often are hybrids, but I use these categories to provide context for human visitors.
Exist Otherwise
I'm the publisher and editor of Exist Otherwise Literary & Art Journal, as well as the micro journals Frighten the Horses, haiQu fOO, and Subliminal Surgery.
I work with MenHealing, a non-profit organization that provides healing resources for men who have experienced sexual harm during childhood and/or as adults. MenHealing also provides resources for loved ones and allies of men who are survivors of sexual harm.
My early career was in theatre, having worked as a lighting designer, technical director, and performer. I began acting as a teenager with The Woods Hole Community Theatre. My professional career included stints with The San Francisco Mime Troupe, Seven Stages, and CORE Dance, among many others.
I teach a Bikram Yoga class most Saturday mornings at Bikram Yoga Oakland. I have three yoga certifications: Bikram Yoga, Tony Sanchez Yoga Academy, and Ghosh Yoga Calcutta. From 2002 to 2018, I owned and managed Still Hot Yoga in Atlanta, GA.