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faint geometric pattern of gray lines on a gray background with the words, "I will overturn, overturn, overturn."

Algorithmic Sabotage

“Algorithmic Sabotage” is a figure of techno-disobedience for the militancy that’s absent from technology critique...

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the trees are blue, the soil is purple

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Have you ever been disappointed when one of your favorite bands put out an album that you hated? I mean one that's so far and away from their previous stuff that you don't recognize them in it? I feel like that's what I'm doing to you.

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Because I have an interest in all things paranoid, as well as poetry and photography, I had to have this book. Printed in 1963 in Brazil and very rare, I managed to get a copy. As a photobook, it didn’t disappoint.

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haiQu began as a solo project, primarily using appropriation (theft, if you prefer). In its infancy, I called it Twitter Haiku. But after the hostile takeover of Twitter by a narcissist, fascist-wannabe man-baby, I abandoned the birdsite for Mastodon, where I continue the practice.

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Poetry Review: Steady by Anne Whitehouse

Anne Whitehouse's poetry collection, Steady, isn't a poetry collection. Rather, it isn't just a poetry collection. I, perhaps naively, set about reading it without first getting a sense of its length or breadth. The book is divided into four Parts. The first, second and

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black and white photo of a bald woman with prominent nose. double image with head in profile, the other looking askance.

Exist Otherwise Literary & Art Journal, Issue 7

Exist Otherwise is one of my publications featuring creative writing and photography inspired by the gender-nonconforming writer, artist, and activist, Claude Cahun. Exist Otherwise #7 Claude Cahun was a Jewish French gender-bending writer, artist, activist, and anti-fascist in the first half of the last century. Their creative and political work

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A Rare Old New Vintage Diana Camera

Many people say the light leaks are part of the charm on vintage cameras, but I find them annoying. If the leaks were random in origin, shape, size, or character, that would be fun. But light leaking onto the exact same spot of each frame, and in exactly the same shape, is repetitive and boring.

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Tired: Substack, Wired: Ghost

I've migrated my newsletter from Substack to Ghost. The reasons are important to me but it's doubtful you need to be bothered with them. This change isn't the reason for my long silence, though. That's because my writing is becoming less narrative

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