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Call Me Benjamin Button

At exactly the halfway point between then and now, time, in concert with the earth's inner core of blazing iron and nickel, reversed its direction and began spinning backward as if seeking its own birth in the fiery magma of amygdala.

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"It is a pity that the best part of life comes at the beginning, and the worst part at the end." — Mark Twain

Some many years ago—never mind how long exactly—a great and mysterious drama played out on the stage of our mind. In the mind of our stage, it is uncertain if it was the first or the second of the seven stages to achieve eternal bliss. It is the folly of most men to seek answers in the external trappings of recognized achievement, but I found my light under a bushel of denial. Was I only dreaming? Or is this burning an internal flame?

I, Peter, have remembered and relived that drama ever since in recurrent cycles of alternating light and darkness, absence and knowledge. I made a promise to the Peter of that time that there would come a day of understanding and remembrance. We are on the threshold of that new age. Let the shadow of the past be erased by the light of today.

Whatever innocence there may have been in my heart at the time was blasted away. In explosive ritual sacrifice, I became, like you, mortal and vain. My mistakes and transgressions are remembered well by me and by those whom I have harmed. Those whose pain may be your own. I acknowledge, recognize, and accept my duplicity as a creature complicit in the cycles of earth and flesh since that dark curtain came down.

At exactly the halfway point between then and now, time, in concert with the earth's inner core of blazing iron and nickel, reversed its direction and began spinning backward as if seeking its own birth in the fiery magma of amygdala. I am not Peter in the present moment, nor a representation of Peter in the past. I am simply he and him. For now and forever and for he who never was. There should be nothing surprising in this.

With you, I am standing at the edge of a schism between wrong and right, each of whom relies on his brother. For right is to darkness, as wrong is to light. Twins in dependency, as it were, and as it will be. Injustice and Justice. Ahab and Jonah. Abel and Cain. Castor and Pollux. Hypnos and Thanatos. Prometheus and Epimetheus. Romulus and Remus. Yama and Yami. Shakti and Shiva. Peter (who is Satan) and his Rabbi. The Devil is also an Angel. What is it about brothers and betrayal?

It is no pity that the worst part of my life comes at the beginning and the best part at the end.





I arrived on the astral plane, after a series of trials and transitional exercises. Hard to describe but I was floating in the air (with a few other (people)) and the trial kept repeating as I figured out how to transition. There was a magnetic force that kept me afloat.

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photomontage of a dark hallway curving towards light with a ghostly screaming figure superimposed on the wall


Judas got a bum wrap. He only did what his Rabbi asked him to. He was supposed to be the sun of Jesus but instead he was cast into a shadow. For four thousand years his reputation maligned. His truth erased along with the dinosaurs. Events always play out exactly

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faint geometric pattern of gray lines on a gray background with the words, "I will overturn, overturn, overturn."

Algorithmic Sabotage

“Algorithmic Sabotage” is a figure of techno-disobedience for the militancy that’s absent from technology critique...

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Hey, Sojourner!

Hey, Sojourner!

You must let go, let it go, let it be, it is what it is, is that all there is? yes, this, that is all, this is it. You're heart. Must be blind. You must persist. Do not resist. What you resist persists. There is only one way. You must find it. The way is not self evident. This is not a maze.

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