oh, ariadne
i called to you
oh, aridane
you called me, too



i was touched by you
i was torched by you
you put your boot on my face
i was reminded of your beauty

you put me in the maze
you put me on the beast
you saved me from yourself
you betrayed me for my self



you say jesus died for our sins but not mine, i say
my sin is mine alone
jesus was a terrorist
jesus was a dynamite vestible

jesus was a terror
jesus was a pox
jesus finally came back
through zoonosis
(jesus was a pox)



my white lungs crave smoke
i dream of smoke
tobacco first smote me
when i was ten years old

the same year you took
he/she/they took
my innocence
my sinlessness

white people smudge me
my whiteness smudges me
i smudge me with your smoke
because it's my smoke, too

i left a trail of smoke
like ripples on water
drops of red on the snow
a smoke signal, oh oh oh woe



oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh woe
i'm falling again
oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh woe
time has been lying to me

janus called
she wants her mask back
janus called
oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh woe



you dropped me in a maze
with only a red string
in a black hole
to find my away out

you loved me
you loved me naught
you showed me the way
to go home



but you forgot to give me the key



i live a charred life
coal pressed to diamond
i live so that i might
i live so that i might



forgive me
for what you gave me
give me for what you
crossed me for

for what you cost me
crossed me for
what you gave me for
what you took

me for, oh oh oh woe
i'm failing again
oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh woe



i'm sorry not sorry

but i'm sorry
for what i cannot do
for what i must do
i'm sorry for you, for me



at least i live
at least i'm beautiful
at least i'm here
i'm sorry seems to be the hardest words




i am he as you are me
as we are altogether
skeleton children
charmed, if we do


if we don't

the sword you gave me
i couldn't bear
the sword you gave me
to kill the bear

i couldn't bear it
but i'm still here
oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh woe
oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh woe

oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh woe



oh, ariadne
i called to you
oh, aridane
you called me, too
