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Proctalgia Fugax

I found the image above on mastodon but lost track of the source and of the story behind it. I believe it's a well known artwork that was slashed in protest of something. I can't tell if the original art is a photograph or a painting...

blurred photo of an artwork (photograph or painting) that has been slashed in several places
can anyone tell me the story about this image?

Table of Contents

teh land of the dead

chicken rude and unreasonable;
picked up my shit in a bag

the male gaze as mutilation;
teenage engineering

late stage capitalism;
heat death of the universe

in a crappy timeline;
the space of your mind

the neighbor's rooster;
allergic to work

proctalgia fugax;

I found this image on mastodon but lost track of the source and of the story behind it. I believe it's a well known artwork that was slashed in protest of something. I can't tell if the original art is a photograph or a painting.

This poem was inspired by this image. My immediate thought upon seeing this was, "the male gaze as mutilation." I think the line works well on its own as a micro-poem, but when I added it to my writing inbox, I placed it adjacent to other phrases I had collected to be used in future haiQu.

This particular grouping of lines reminded me of Haikai No Renga (Renku), which is a form of collaboratively written linked verses.

"The male gaze as mutilation," and "Recadrus," are the only original lines in this poem. All the others were lifted from my mastodon feed. (Recadrus may have to be explained but now isn't the time.)

If you know anything about the image, please let me know.





I arrived on the astral plane, after a series of trials and transitional exercises. Hard to describe but I was floating in the air (with a few other (people)) and the trial kept repeating as I figured out how to transition. There was a magnetic force that kept me afloat.

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photomontage of a dark hallway curving towards light with a ghostly screaming figure superimposed on the wall


Judas got a bum wrap. He only did what his Rabbi asked him to. He was supposed to be the sun of Jesus but instead he was cast into a shadow. For four thousand years his reputation maligned. His truth erased along with the dinosaurs. Events always play out exactly

Members Public
faint geometric pattern of gray lines on a gray background with the words, "I will overturn, overturn, overturn."

Algorithmic Sabotage

“Algorithmic Sabotage” is a figure of techno-disobedience for the militancy that’s absent from technology critique...

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Hey, Sojourner!

Hey, Sojourner!

You must let go, let it go, let it be, it is what it is, is that all there is? yes, this, that is all, this is it. You're heart. Must be blind. You must persist. Do not resist. What you resist persists. There is only one way. You must find it. The way is not self evident. This is not a maze.

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