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This little gem is from from The English and Scottish Popular Ballads

‘O WHARE are ye gaun?’
Quo the fause knicht upon the road.

‘I’m gaun to the scule,’
Quo the wee boy, and still he stude.

‘What is that upon your back?’
Quo the fause knicht upon the road.

‘Atweel it is my bukes,’
Quo the wee boy, and still he stude.

‘What’s that ye’ve got in your arm?’
Quo the fause knicht...

‘Atweel it is my peit.’
Quo the wee boy...

‘Wha’s aucht they sheep?’
Quo the fause knicht...

‘They are mine and my mither’s.’
Quo the wee boy...

‘How monie o them are mine?’
Quo the fause knicht...

‘A’ they that hae blue tails.’
Quo the wee boy...

‘I wiss ye were on yon tree:’
Quo the fause knicht...

‘And a gude ladder under me.’
Quo the wee boy...

‘And the ladder for to break:’
Quo the fause knicht...

‘And you for to fa down.’
Quo the wee boy...

‘I wiss ye were in yon sie:’
Quo the fause knicht...

‘And a gude bottom under me.’
Quo the wee boy...

‘And the bottom for to break:’
Quo the fause knicht...

‘And ye to be drowned.’
Quo the wee boy...

‘I wish you were in yonder well:’
Quo the fause knicht...

‘And you were down in hell.’
Quo the pretty little boy...





I arrived on the astral plane, after a series of trials and transitional exercises. Hard to describe but I was floating in the air (with a few other (people)) and the trial kept repeating as I figured out how to transition. There was a magnetic force that kept me afloat.

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photomontage of a dark hallway curving towards light with a ghostly screaming figure superimposed on the wall


Judas got a bum wrap. He only did what his Rabbi asked him to. He was supposed to be the sun of Jesus but instead he was cast into a shadow. For four thousand years his reputation maligned. His truth erased along with the dinosaurs. Events always play out exactly

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faint geometric pattern of gray lines on a gray background with the words, "I will overturn, overturn, overturn."

Algorithmic Sabotage

“Algorithmic Sabotage” is a figure of techno-disobedience for the militancy that’s absent from technology critique...

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Hey, Sojourner!

Hey, Sojourner!

You must let go, let it go, let it be, it is what it is, is that all there is? yes, this, that is all, this is it. You're heart. Must be blind. You must persist. Do not resist. What you resist persists. There is only one way. You must find it. The way is not self evident. This is not a maze.

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